Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Inevitable Conflict

Further Magnavox open air recordings, this time eschewing song form all together and opting instead for shoving knives between the guitar strings for a "prepared" sound,

jamming straight up feedback from my practice amp

at controlled volume levels while ringing bells/hitting pots and pans with wooden spoons.

Odd behavior? Dunno, spent most of my time in those days sleeping until 11 am, going to school just to slip into chorus class, sing for a while and then return home immediately afterwards, jamming tapes all afternoon finally ending the day by walking in circles around my hometown into the wee hours listening to Dinosaur tapes

at full volume on my
Sony Walkman.

After a while the cops stopped bothering me and just let me cruise on foot unmolested. 

These lo-fi noise/tape pieces are bookended by year 2000 re-do's of the albums pop songs. These were realized on a cassette four track. I'm hella embarrassed by the lyrics on these songs, full on Barlow worship... painful to revisit, but it is what it is. I would say by the fall/winter of 2000 my main points of influence for these songs, musically speaking, would have been young marble giants, magnetic fields and slowdive. 

The tape cover is a photograph I took of a traffic sign that was near my house that the singer of Cocks in Love had tagged. I got some spray paint, covered over his tag and put it on my 2nd solo tape cover after quitting that band. Dissssssssssssssssssssssssssss. 

This tape was made immediately after finishing the 1st Lazy Mag tape during the summer of 1994. I think this was around the first time I had dropped acid. I remember listening to tapes during the (extremely long) come down of my first trip thinking "this stuff is cool cuz there's all this extra-musical audio information present as a result of using the particular devices it was recorded on". That morning, having stayed up all night tripping ballz, was the only time that year I made it punctually to homeroom. Was extremely high, still.

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