In August of 1997 I was subletting Morgan Andrews'

apartment in Cambridge. I got a job through my favorite WMFO broadcast radio DJ Tim Leanse,

at a local moving company. I would stay up all night making music in the room and then go out to work all day then bike home... When did I sleep? I was 19 so whatever, I guess.
My roommate Ron

pictured in center above
had mentioned something about drawing a cartoon everyday for a month so I got the idea that it would be cool to write and record a song everyday for a year. I was out of my mind from sleep dep and ginseng arizona iced tea, went to newbury comics bought a brick of 90 minute tapes and went home to record the first song,
"honey bear"

I ended up moving quite a bit, getting through bouts of homelessness, sleeping in friends cars (sometimes without asking first), in camps set up in the woods, going to Florida to avoid the extreme cold, going on my first ever tour (we played worcester, fort thunder, Savage Maryland, Corpus Christie, Texas and missed our last show in Louisville Kentucky) and then bumming around Cambridge and Somerville again working at an ice cream store (which I robbed blind to pay for recording studio time for my old band Cottin K's)

until I followed a girl named Molly to Keene, New York to live with her at her mothers house for a month or two.... before returning to Massachusetts alone.
I still managed to make a song everyday and fill up all those blank tapes. I took what I considered to be the best songs and put them on a CDr. Back then it wasn't easy for me to make CDrs, mind you.
The quality of my recorded sound production skills improved dramatically over the course of this project. If any "re-do's" of old material were planned it was after and a result of this leap in quality.
The songs were recorded on four tracks, hand held dictaphones, boom boxes.. That's probably it. In various Cambridge/Somerville apartments, a practice space in Lynn, MA I lived in, a boarding house in Fort Myers, FLA, Jordan and Liynne's spot in Somerville that I was crashing at for a while, on the road and in Molly's moms kitchen where, incidentally I met this one for the first time, albeit briefly:

Last I knew, Jo Dery

had the original cassettes in storage but I haven't verified that in well over 12 years.
This album never had an official cover made for it. Just various photos of the different houses I lived in between August 97 and 98. This cover was supplied to me by Jacob Barendes, who was given a dubbed copy of the tape from his friend Sarah who got it from Ron Rege, the person who drew this little cover and as mentioned above my former roommate during the summer of this projects inception.

apartment in Cambridge. I got a job through my favorite WMFO broadcast radio DJ Tim Leanse,

at a local moving company. I would stay up all night making music in the room and then go out to work all day then bike home... When did I sleep? I was 19 so whatever, I guess.
My roommate Ron

pictured in center above
had mentioned something about drawing a cartoon everyday for a month so I got the idea that it would be cool to write and record a song everyday for a year. I was out of my mind from sleep dep and ginseng arizona iced tea, went to newbury comics bought a brick of 90 minute tapes and went home to record the first song,
"honey bear"

I ended up moving quite a bit, getting through bouts of homelessness, sleeping in friends cars (sometimes without asking first), in camps set up in the woods, going to Florida to avoid the extreme cold, going on my first ever tour (we played worcester, fort thunder, Savage Maryland, Corpus Christie, Texas and missed our last show in Louisville Kentucky) and then bumming around Cambridge and Somerville again working at an ice cream store (which I robbed blind to pay for recording studio time for my old band Cottin K's)

until I followed a girl named Molly to Keene, New York to live with her at her mothers house for a month or two.... before returning to Massachusetts alone.
I still managed to make a song everyday and fill up all those blank tapes. I took what I considered to be the best songs and put them on a CDr. Back then it wasn't easy for me to make CDrs, mind you.
The quality of my recorded sound production skills improved dramatically over the course of this project. If any "re-do's" of old material were planned it was after and a result of this leap in quality.
The songs were recorded on four tracks, hand held dictaphones, boom boxes.. That's probably it. In various Cambridge/Somerville apartments, a practice space in Lynn, MA I lived in, a boarding house in Fort Myers, FLA, Jordan and Liynne's spot in Somerville that I was crashing at for a while, on the road and in Molly's moms kitchen where, incidentally I met this one for the first time, albeit briefly:

Last I knew, Jo Dery

had the original cassettes in storage but I haven't verified that in well over 12 years.
This album never had an official cover made for it. Just various photos of the different houses I lived in between August 97 and 98. This cover was supplied to me by Jacob Barendes, who was given a dubbed copy of the tape from his friend Sarah who got it from Ron Rege, the person who drew this little cover and as mentioned above my former roommate during the summer of this projects inception.
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